
If you have an experience with Vital Oxide that you'd like to share, we would be happy to hear from you. Please send your comments and feedback to info@vitalsolutions.com or through the contact form. Here are some testimonials from our customers:

We have been so successful using your product to help my community here in El Paso! My customers love the outcome - thank you for creating such a great solution.

Joe Ozaeta
CEO, EP Disinfecting Bros 


 My wife has been complaining about my favorite gym shoes. In her opinion, they are "smelly." They are in great shape although I do use them to work out three times a week; they still have some good mileage in them, and I don't want to replace them at $125 a pop! I sprayed the inside of the shoes and really soaked them, then set them in the sun to dry. No more odor. When the wife is happy, everyone is happy.

Marc Flynn
Online Customer 

 I purchased this thinking that it would be a green product for occasional clean-up in the bathroom. What I discovered is that it is a lifesaver if you ever have mold in your house—if you think you have allergies, try cleaning your bathroom and any area that has high moisture like kitchens, laundry rooms, and the basement. Don't wait till you see the mold. Buy one to use and one to have handy for the future.

Online Customer

As the president of a microbiology testing lab, I see and evaluate new antimicrobial technologies often. After extensive testing, I can comfortably say that Vital Oxide is one of the most exciting new technologies on the market. Its dual-active system cleans well and is effective against a wide variety of pathogens—most importantly, it does the job quickly.

Benjamin D. Tanner, Ph.D.
President of Antimicrobial Test Laboratories

 If you are like me and are chemically sensitive, you can appreciate when I say...aahhh...finally. Zero smell....

Jesper Friden
Online Customer

 I wanted to take the time to pass on some great news on the results that we have been achieving with Vital Oxide as an odor neutralizer. We have landed Lanier Parking, 300 Parking Decks and Triple-A Parking, 400 parking decks, they are using the product in the concrete stairs to neutralize urine. Crown Cleaning Supplies in Orlando has found tremendous use as a carpet sanitizer. They also have found it to completely handle mold. They are ordering it by the pallet. We are currently also selling Dogwood Forest Assisted Living Community in Atlanta, GA for their carpet cleaning and all odor neutralizer. We are presenting also to the Health & Hospitality Industry. We are making presentations to Auto Detailers to neutralize cigarette smoke in used autos and are having great results. I am expecting great demand for this product based on results achieved everywhere we have a demo.

Carlos W. España
Vice President - Sales & Marketing ProSan

 I purchased this product 2 weeks ago to remove mold and mildew from a natural stone shower floor, and I am absolutely amazed by this product. Even though I had sealed the grout and stones when they were installed, because of the rough profile, it has been difficult to get all the water to drain from between the stones and dry thoroughly between showers. After applying Vital Oxide and waiting 15 minutes, I was able to remove all traces of the mold and mildew with a soft brush, and now I apply it after each shower and have seen no sign of the mold and mildew returning. I love that it can be used as a disinfectant on all my bathroom and kitchen surfaces without other chemicals. 

Online Customer

 As the President and CEO of the South Florida Science Museum, I can say that our staff always opens the door to welcome new technology. I honestly see that after just 15 days of implementing the DES (Disinfecting Environmental Solutions) Complete Disinfecting Solution, utilizing Vital Oxide, we noticed a significant improvement in the overall quality of air in our museum. We feel confident in letting all of our guests know that they can explore the world of science in a very safe and pristine environment.

For 50 years the museum had been through a lot from a facilities standpoint: from dissection labs, to aquarium fish prepping, to smoke and chemical demonstrations. As you know, this is South Florida and the museum has withstood through it all from tropical storms to hurricanes, from warm and humid weather to cool and damp weather. We are proud of our science museum and we are proud of our facilities. We can now say that we are proud to have implemented the DES Complete Disinfecting Solution for the health of our guests, employees and our facilities.

Lewis Crampton
President and CEO of the South Florida Science Museum

 Moving into a condo that has been unoccupied (except for mice!) for 3 years. Using Vital Oxide on mold, musty odor, and disinfecting. Good results! No perfume or smells from this product! I will always have a bottle of this on hand!

Online Customer

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At this time we are unable to ship the following items to Indiana:

• 32 oz. & 128 oz. Combo
• 128 oz. & Fogger Combo

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our customer support team at: 1-800-303-5405

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