Ensure Your Staff and Cleaning Service is Equipped With the Best

A busy fitness facility often involves multiple people touching the same surfaces and equipment, increasing the spread of harmful germs. Putting together a workplace health and safety plan and cleaning and disinfection protocols for your fitness facility is essential. When putting together these plans, it is vital to carefully consider what kinds of chemicals you want to use around your employees and clients. 

Research has found that gyms contain high amounts of viruses and bacteria on various surfaces (e.g., floors, handrails, counters) and exercise equipment. One recent study even found that over 70% of bacteria found in gyms are potentially harmful to humans and that equipment like free weights can harbor over 360 times more germs than a public toilet seat. 

Vital Oxide gives peace of mind that you are using a product that does not come with any alarming precautions and it made with no VOC's. Vital Oxide is already being used in fitness facilities health clubs across the U.S., Canada, and the Caribbean to help safeguard against harmful pathogens - Add it to your cleaning protocol today! 

Save Time, Save Money With Electrostatic Technology 

Make large jobs easier with an electrostatic sprayer.

  • Vital Oxide has been tested using electrostatic sprayers
  • Cost-effective and time efficient when used with an electrostatic sprayer
  • Excellent performance and broad surface compatibility 
  • Efficient, comprehensive surface disinfection

    Fact Sheets


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    Vital Oxide Master Label

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    Vital Oxide Sales Sheet

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    Independent Test Summary

    PDF Document


    One Product, Eight Solutions.

    Vital Oxide features a wide variety of applications including as: An Allergen/Odor Eliminator, Killing Mold + Mildew, and HVAC and Soft Surface Sanitizing. Vital Oxide, proven to kill a wide range of virues and bacteria, is EPA Registered as a Hospital Disinfectant and NSF Registered as a No-rinse required Food Surface Sanitizer.

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