
Download The Complete Mycotoxin Efficacy Study HERE.

Vital Oxide Efficacy on Mycotoxins

Vital Oxide is a powerful remedy for mycotoxins, which has attracted attention due to its effectiveness against them. Because of its broad-spectrum disinfectant qualities, which include its capacity to inhibit various molds and fungus, it is very useful in reducing the effects of mycotoxin contamination. Chlorine dioxide, the active component, is a potent oxidant that breaks down the cellular structures of fungus and molds, making them inert. 

General Study Description

The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that the undiluted product Vital Oxide (VO) can negate the presence a of four (4) groups of mycotoxins against concentrations of mycotoxins (100 ppb) which are placed in test tubes with an undiluted portion of the product by spraying the VO on the mycotoxins which are present on sterile gauze.


Results demonstrated that 15 mycotoxins were present ni the environmental samples taken prior to any exposure to Vital Oxide. Mycotoxin testing performed at the date described above, provided the following mycotoxins (See Table below). Summary of results are shown below. A more thorough explanation of interpretation of mycotoxin results and P C results with their respective graphs and charts are provided in the Exhibits of the study.

Table 1. Results of Mycotoxin Testing for 10 minute exposure to VO

Mycotoxins*               Ochratoxin Aflatoxins Trichothecenes  Gliotoxins
EN502007 No TX 4.014 1.229 0.049 0.67300
EN502006 Treatment 0.015 0.053 0.000 0.000


Table 2. Results of Mycotoxin Testing for 24 hours exposure to VO

Mycotoxins*               Ochratoxin Aflatoxins Trichothecenes   Gliotoxins
EN502008 No TX 3.004 0.982 0.049 0.846
EN502009 Treatment 0.001 0.035 0.000 0.000

Fact Sheets


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Vital Oxide Master Label

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Vital Oxide Sales Sheet

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Independent Test Summary

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One Product, Eight Solutions.

Vital Oxide features a wide variety of applications including as: An Allergen/Odor Eliminator, Killing Mold + Mildew, and HVAC and Soft Surface Sanitizing. Vital Oxide, proven to kill a wide range of virues and bacteria, is EPA Registered as a Hospital Disinfectant and NSF Registered as a No-rinse required Food Surface Sanitizer.

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