The CDC current guidelines for disinfecting homes and other non-healthcare settings for Monkeypox virus states to use a registered EPA disinfectant.
Not just a regular registered EPA disinfectant but one that is on the EPA’s List Q: Disinfectants for Emerging Viral Pathogens (EVPs). Vital Oxide (EPA #82972-1) is on the list.
Per the EPA the EVP guidance is divided into three tiers:
Tier 1: Enveloped viruses are the easiest to inactivate. When disinfectants damage their lipid envelope, the virus is no longer infectious.
Tier 2: Large, nonenveloped viruses are encased in protein capsids that make them more difficult to inactivate compared to enveloped viruses.
Tier 3: Small, nonenveloped viruses are the hardest to inactivate. Both their protein capsids and their small size make them less vulnerable to disinfectants compared to other viruses.
As a tool for use against emerging pathogens the List Q is ever evolving. Vital Oxide is currently listed for use against Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 viruses. Specifically Monkeypox virus is currently listed as a Tier 1 (enveloped virus).