Jesse Castro of Texan Floor Services recently had a unique customer request where Vital Oxide not only saved the project, but also helped the customer avoid the cost of carpet replacement and disruption of business.

Jesse explains to XL North’s Bill Luallen how persistence paid off on this job.

Chemistry: Vital Oxide Read the interview below 

Jesse, tell me about this project. It was a unique request, yes?

I received a call from one of my customers to clean and sanitize the carpet in the Alzheimer’s ward where a patient had cut his toe and, not realizing he had an injury, walked for hours leaving blood trails along the walls. This location is a retirement community we’ve been servicing for over 10 years with independent, assisted and health care living.

This was definitely a unique request considering the amount of blood on the carpet and the distance the patient walked around the building. I was told it is a mile long if walked along the edge of the carpet.

How did you tackle the project?

When we arrived, I inspected the building and I was almost positive we would not be able to remove the blood due to the large volume of blood and the amount of carpet involved. Our customer was not surprised when I told them they may have to replace the carpet. We unloaded our Advance Amphibious walk behind extractor with dual counter rotating brushes to do a test area. We did a small test area with Liquid Live with no success. We then tried to extract with a portable extractor – and again had no success. The customer was still on site and saw that our first two attempts were unsuccessful. I don’t like letting our customers down so decided to extract and at least sanitize the carpet until the carpet could be replaced. We applied Vital Oxide at 100% to each spot and proceeded to extract with the Advance Amphibious walk behind. That did the trick! We were completely successful in removing every single spot (1 mile long with 10-12 spots per square foot).

Did the use of Vital Oxide provide any additional benefits with this customer?

This customer has three buildings and we service one building per month. We’ve been using Vital Oxide with each monthly cleaning to sanitize and remove urine odors.

The great outcome of this project is the director of the facility was almost in tears because we were able to save the carpet and help the facility avoid the disruption that carpet replacement would have caused, including moving all the health care patients.  

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