What Are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) & How Can You Reduce Them In Your Home?

Still smelling the cleaning products that you used to freshen up your bathroom over an hour ago? You may not know it...

15 Bad Habits that Are Making Your Home An Allergy Haven

Are you sneezing a lot lately? Wheezing? Suffering from itchy eyes and a runny nose, too? You’re not alone! According...

How to Clean & Sanitize a Reverse Osmosis (RO) System With Vital Oxide

We all know the benefits of drinking clean water. Water is, after all, the essence of life. These days, many consume...

6 Easy Ways to Reduce Dust Mites In Your Home

Where there is dust in a home, there are almost always dust mites – unless, that is, you live in Antarctica! Invisibl...

Here’s How to Easily Clean Your Dishwasher With Vital Oxide

In case you missed the Tik-Tok trend that broke the Internet last year – and that has returned yet again this summer...

Why Cat Urine Smells So Bad – And What to Do About It

Your sweet little feline companion welcomes you home from work with a loving purr and an affectionate rub against yo...

Everything We Know So Far About the COVID-19 Delta Variant, According to Experts

In the last few months, news has emerged that several variants of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes the disease COVI...

How to Banish Smoke Smells, For Good

There are few things more frustrating than moving into a new home that was previously smoked in. The permeating funk...

The Where, Why, & What of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)

Is your home or workplace making you sick? If you’ve been experiencing unexplained symptoms such as dizziness, nause...

The Best Ways to Treat & Prevent Carpet Mold

While mold on hard surfaces like metal or tile is usually easy to remove, getting rid of mold from carpet fibers can...

Is it Mold or Mildew? What's the Difference?

Mold and mildew are often spoken of together as if they were the same substance. But while the two are definitely fu...

5 Surprising Sources of Indoor Air Pollution & How to Tackle Them

How dirty is the air inside your home? Indoor air quality can be two to five times more polluted than outdoor air (ye...
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