Unveiling the Power of Vital Oxide: The Ultimate Solution for Odor Control


When it comes to odor management, the fight against the awfully unpleasing smell is sometimes one of life’s ongoing wars. Having a product that gets rid of odors at their source and, at the same time, going beyond the clean by disinfecting surfaces will increase customer attraction and satisfaction. Meet Vital Oxide – the latest research in disinfectant and odor destructor that goes much beyond masking agents to provide not only a structural destruction of odor molecules, but also to attacks the environment on which odors thrive.

Unlike conventional sprays and aerosols or deodorizer products in general, serving only to cover odors with fragrance, Vital Oxide connects to the source of the odor, eliminating smells on a molecular level. Despite the fact that this potent disinfectant relies on the science of oxidation to inactivate odor-related molecules, these ones are made ineffective and odorless at the end. Through its inhibition of the molecule responsible for overall smell, Vital Oxide is giving users a long-lasting freshness, without the use of fragrances, this way making it evident how powerful its deodorizing action is.


Vital Oxide's success stems from its unique recipe, which harnesses the force of chlorine dioxide, a strong oxidizing agent. When Vital Oxide is sprayed, chlorine dioxide molecules penetrate into surfaces, killing odor-causing bacteria, mold spores, and other microbes. This proactive technique not only neutralizes current scents but also prevents them from reoccurring, resulting in a long-term solution to odor management.

“Here at the plant, we process raw fish for fish flour and the natural odor of our raw materials is hard to stand. After using Vital Oxide, not only the surfaces on all our production line is disinfected but the reduction of strong odors has been a great boost in morale for our employees”.                              

-José Chilan
Plant Quality ControlManager
Tadel S. A.


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